岗位职责: 1. 会计分录输入并维护适当的帐薄和记录,准备每月损益表和资产负债表, 2. 熟悉当地劳工法,保证每两周的工资和小费准确核算和按时发放, 3. 应付账款管理,与供应商沟通对账,整理应付账款明细, 4. 负责PST和GST等政府税金的核算以及T4 和T4summary的准备。 岗位要求 1.会计相关专业毕业,至少一年本地会计/财务经验, 2.熟悉Quickbooks等财务软件和Excel,Word,Outlook等办公软件, 3.有责任心和良好的沟通能力,有合法工卡。 工资面谈,如果感兴趣请发送简历至xiaolongkan.canada@gmail.com或者扫下面的二维码填写简历。 Job responsibilities: Perform full cycle accounting: AR/AP, Journal Entries, Payroll, Preparation of payroll remittances and GST/PST remittances,Preparation of T4, T4 Summary, Prepare: Month & Year end reports and related working papers。 Qualifications: · One years Local accounting experience is an asset, Proficient in MS Office and accounting software, Fluent Mandarin is an asset