找家住在138a street附近的,上门方便的人,每天来2次,遛狗,铲猫屎,喂粮喂水,不需要把猫狗带家里照顾,一只拉布拉多一只比熊和两只布偶猫。2000刀照顾2个多月。明年2月中开始。或者1200照顾一个多月,明年3月中开始。看具体我们什么时候定到机票。出发前我们付一半,回来后付另一半。定下来后需要留ID信息。请有意者微信联系。My family is planning travelling for 1-3 months next year so decided to look for pet sitter that comes to our place 2 times per day to take care of our 2 dogs and 2 cats. Contract starts from middle February or middle March, until early May next year.Main duties: Feed and walk my dogs, feed my cats and scoop cat litter. Vacuum or wash floor as needed.Pay:If middle February - early May: $2000If middle March - early May: $1200Job location: 138A Street in Surrey, BCWe will pay half before we leave and pay the remaining half when we come back.If you see this ad, it means we are still hiring. Leave me a message if interested. Thank you