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I've been doing marketing jobs in Germany, Singapore, Canada and China over the past 6 years, and now live in Metrotown, working for a local developer. 我有6年新媒体营销从业经验,为德国凯撒旅游、意大利法拉第游艇集团、加拿大文都教育、中国体福彩中心等提供过营销服务。目前居住在本拿比,为本地某建商提供营销支持。I am experienced with SEO, social media content marking, and copywriting. I know about poster collage, live-streaming sales, product pricing, and promotional strategy development as well, but not as much as about the first three areas. 我在SEO,社交媒体内容策划与文案写作方面有所专长。也可承担部分海报拼贴、直播带货和产品定价促销策略方面的工作。I used to have millions of fans on Chinese social platforms, and now have nearly 10,000 subscriptions on Youtube and Instagram.I believe that I excel in conveying information in the users' languages and perspectives. In my eyes, this is the most important thing in marketing (which requires the fast learning capacities. Fast learning is my second most outstanding strength).我曾在中文社交媒体上拥有逾百万粉丝(单账号年直播带货金额60万加币),目前业余也有开设youtube和instagram频道,目前已有1万订阅。相信我的经验,可以对贵司的事业有所益助。

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