我愛我車汽車修理公司誠聘:汽車修理师傅:3年以上的汽修经验工作内容及要求:1. 常规汽修维护与保养;2. 汽车各类油水,常用零部件(刹车,皮带, 轮胎等)更换与维修;3. 常见汽车故障诊断与维修;4. 能够熟练使用各类电子检修设备及工具。待優, 待遇方面面议享有公司團體醫療保險及牙醫保險請將個人履歷表傳送到總公司人事部 tunnexbby@gmail.comAuto Mechanic Technician Requirement:- 3 year+ experience-Duty inculdes General Services, Inspections and Problem Diagnosis-Fluid Changes-Mechanical Repairs and ReplacementSalary and Benefit will base in experienceYou are welcome to send your resume if you meet the requirement. Please email the resume to HR Department: tunnexbby@gmail.com.