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IGG是全球驰名的手机游戏开发商及营运商,拥有庞大的全球市场及国际客户基础。2013年10月18日在港交所成功上市。本集团的总部设在新加坡,并在美国、香港、中国大陆、加拿大、日本、韩国、泰国、白俄罗斯及菲律宾设有分支机构,客户遍及全世界200 多个国家和地区。截至2017年6月30日,本集团拥有约4.3亿个全球玩家账户,其中月活跃用户逾1,800万。手游代表作包括王国纪元,城堡争霸等。其中王国纪元连续九个月排名SLG游戏全球第一名。


Senior 3D Artist
- High proficiency in Maya or 3DS Max and UNITY
- High proficiency in Photoshop and Substance Painter
- Knowledge of lighting techniques
- Proficiency in various shader techniques
- Versatile, flexible, and willing to do what's needed in a fast-moving environment
- Can work well both independently and closely with other Sr. Artists
- Good verbal communication and teamwork skills
- Basic knowledge of animation in Unity (Timeline)
- Knowledge of cinematography (Framing cameras, color balancing, post processing0

- A minimum of 3 years’ experience in game development animating characters using Maya or equivalent 3D program
- Strong understanding of traditional animation principles and how they can be used to enhance gameplay
- Self-motivation, good communication skills, and a great team-player attitude
- Able to work creatively as part of a large or small group
- Proven problem-solving / prototyping ability
- Able to effectively collaborate with game designers and programmers
- A passion for video games

Game Designer
- 2+ years industry experience with mobile game design
- A solid understanding of industry tools, such as content creation applications, export processes and pipelines
- Knowledge of, bug tracking software, Unity, Perforce, Word, Excel
- Able to handle changing priorities throughout a product life cycle
- Able to receive and incorporate feedback, and work effectively in a collaborative, fast-paced environment
- Must be legally eligible to work in Canada
- Must be able to work in the studio

我们为员工提供优渥的薪资,完善的福利,我们欢迎移民加拿大的杰出人才以及在本地深造工作的同胞,我们将提供一个大家在国内一样甚至更好的平台,让语言不再是我们华人职业晋升的阻碍,让我们一起打造Made in China的顶级游戏和影视视频!

您或者您的家人/朋友,如果对我们的职位感兴趣,请Email 联系careers.ca@igg.com,附上您的简历Cover Letter,以及Portfolio或Demo Reels。不管您的工作经验是在中国还是加拿大,如果您从前是游戏或影视行业的人才,您所擅长的领域没有在我们的招聘计划中,也欢迎毛遂自荐,我们有可能在今后有适合您的招聘需求。
我们将每天查看邮件并回复我们觉得合适的人才, 因工作繁忙请勿致电咨询。谢谢。

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