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关于太二太二于2015年在中国广州成立,隶属于上市餐饮公司九毛九集团(HKG: 9922), 是一家传承中国川菜美味、主打川菜经典菜品酸菜鱼的创新互联网餐饮品牌。2022年全球门店数已超过450+,辐射中国大部分城市,主要集中在北京、上海、广州、深圳等一线城市。并于2017年开始拓展海外市场,选址新加坡,加拿大等地。自开业以来,深受新加坡和美西食客喜爱。从2020年开始加速海外扩张战略,未来将继续扩大在北美、新马泰、东亚、等地区的门店数,为世界带来川菜的酸爽滋味。TAI ER was launched in Guangzhou in 2015, which has been operating under the umbrella of Jiumaojiu International Holdings( HKG:9922) since. We are the most unique Chinese chain restaurants that feature Suancai & Fish and aim to introduce the most authentic and classic Sichuan Cuisine to the world. We have just topped 450 locations globally, spreading among most cities in China, and especially the megacities with international presences such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Our overseas expansion in Singapore and North America has been accelerated since 2020, and we are determined to proudly deliver our memorable and flavourful Sichuan taste to the rest of the world.后厨———「初级炒锅师傅」能够轻松操作18寸双耳炒锅会做简单的家常炒菜工作时间稳定有工卡「凉菜岗」、「小面小吃岗」、「洗碗卫士」、「配菜岗」、「腌鱼岗」无需经验,带薪培训工作时间稳定有工卡【我们需要你】-热愛顾客服务工作井为顾容提供优质的服务-当得了男神女神,也经得起门店基层的锻炼-性格外向,话唠有个性可或艺术特长优先

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