The Ideal Candidate we are looking for must:Pose strong communication skillsEasy, friendly and outgoing!Be able to work during weekendsGood at Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or other similar editing softwareProficient in video capture, editing, and delivery. Must demonstrate the ability to produce consistent results in different lighting circumstances, including high contrast scenes with mixed colour temperatures.The ideal candidate has:2 year experiences (preferred)The ability to prioritize multiple tasks, deliver detailed requirements, and meet deadlinesA strong attention to detail and highly organizedPreferred know how to use AE, Ps, AUSchedule:Monday to FridayOn callWeekend availability【影像編輯徵才】可獨立完成影片內容企劃與製作,包含腳本設計、攝影、後製(剪接、特效、字幕、配樂…)。對影像創作有熱情,擅長用影像說故事。具備極佳溝通能力與美學素養【應徵條件】具備拍攝、製作、剪輯影片能力。熟悉剪輯及相關後製軟體AE、AU、Ps等。提供宣材製作與管理、製播工作協調。需要時配合出外景拍攝。可創意發想。具細心、抗壓,且有與團隊成員溝通協調和企劃討論的能力。自我督促工作效率、且能依主管要求 獨立完成工作者。【工作時間】週一至週五On Call假日