同学们好!我们是位于列治文的Brainchild Creative品牌全案设计公司,负责本地及国内中小型商业品牌形象设计,于2018年创立,我们希望能再扩展团队,对设计行业热衷的同学们欢迎。公司官网:https://brnchd.com/Behance作品网址:https://www.behance.net/brainchild604诚聘:兼职 / 全职品牌策略师 / 前端设计师 / 平面设计师 / 美工 / 设计助理 / 实习生欢迎本科毕业生和在校学生需熟悉 Illustrator / Photoshop / InDesign / After Effect / Lightroom / Figma需精通中英文,细心负责,善沟通,有团队精神。如理解网站建站过程,并善于与程序员交流加分如会html css php等加分如对Typography敏感,有造字设计的经验加分如熟悉设计思维并能应用在过程中加分 如会3D建模或CGI加分(c4d or blender)如喜欢画画加分如喜欢年轻人文化加分如能用计算机控制挖掘机炒菜加分公民与永久居民优先,或已有工签能合法在加拿大工作者。意者请将CV和履历email到brainchild604@gmail.com请附作品集,无附作品者恕不受理。Hello boys and girls,This is Samuel from Brainchild Creative and this year we are looking to expand our creative team.Our Studio Website: https://brnchd.com/Our Behance Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/brainchild604Jobs open to: Brand strategist, Front-end designer, Graphic/communication designer, Design assistant, Interns.If you are a talented individual and has no other place to express your creativity, we have just the right spot for you.Simply shoot us a resume and portfolio link to brainchild604@gmail.com We hope to see you soon!