我60+,来自中国大陆,加拿大移民身份。在温哥华有固定事业、固定收入、自住房,健康乐观善良真诚,干净整洁有风度,尊重他人好相处。不吸烟少喝酒喜欢锻炼和旅游。几年前成为法定独身,生活自理能力强有良好的生活习惯。愿找一位各方面都合拍的女士共度余生,希望您受过良好的教育,懂英语,健康善良,55左右。请发邮件联系,谢谢您!Hello ladys. This is a healty, handsome, friendly and mandarin speaking single gentalman (60+) wishing to find a nice lady to establish a lovely family. I have everything a nice man should. You will not be disappointed for sure, when you get to know me. It's better if you are a Canadian citizen or permenent resident, well educated, able to speak English and around 55 years old. Please send me an email message and let's start from there. Thank you.