Duties: 职责 l Interview international students to get employment history, educational background and career goals 与国际学生面谈,了解工作经历、教育背景和职业目标 l Identify barriers to work and help international students with matters such as job readiness skills,job search strategies, writing resume and preparing for job interviews 识别找工作过程中的障碍,帮助国际学生解决工作准备技能、求职策略、撰写简历和准备工作面试等问题 l Give and interpret tests designed to determine the interests, aptitudes and abilities of client 提供和解释旨在确定客户的兴趣、资质和能力的测试 l Collect labour market information for clients regarding job openings, entry and skill requirements and other occupational information 为客户收集有关职位空缺、进入和技能要求以及其他职业信息的劳动力市场信息 l Keep collaboration with other departments 与其他部门保持协作 要求: 1. 具备良好的沟通能力、协作能力、整合能力、学习能力; 2.本科以上学历;具有极佳的英文能力(听、说、读、写),HR专业背景优先;3. 在CS/金融财务/市场营销/设计等某一或多专业学习成绩优异,且至少2年以上相关工作经验 薪资待遇:5万年薪起 感谢所有应聘者对这个职位的兴趣,但因时间的限制我们只对部分应聘者进行面试。申请办法:请将简历及自我介绍发到我们的邮箱[email protected] 请勿打电话,谢谢您的理解与合作!