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Please do not call me. There are many positions from different locations. pleasesend me email () and let me know where you live, how to go to work (drive?), whatyou do before and male or female. I will email you the job details.

Generalhelpers for a bakery factory. Location : Steels and Keele, hourly rate: 14.35/hfull time Monday to Friday 5pm to 1-2 am 2.
Generalhelpers for a bakery factory. Location: Steels and Keele, hourly rate: 14.35/hfull time. Monday to Friday 8:30 am to about 5 pm. 3.
generalhelpers for a Veg Packing; location: Kipling and Horner; hourly rate: 14.35/hand up; Monday to Friday 7:45 am to 4 or 5 pm 4.
a driverfor delivery, $20/h location: Concord ON L4K 2H3 5.
a workerfor a walk-in freezer (-15 degree) move items in and out. hourly rate: 17/h; location:Concord ON L4K 2H3 6.
generalhelpers for window factory; location: hwy 7 and Dufferin; hourly rate: 15.50/h;Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 5 pm, half day for Saturday; 7.

General helper for food company; location:Markham rd and finch, Scarborough; hourly rate 14.35/h full time. 8.
Deliverydriver; location: Keele and junction Toronto; about 150-200/d; full time withbenefit after 3 months. 9.
General helpersfor a linen cleaning company; location: Keele and Junction; full time; 15/h 10.
generalhelper for a food company; location: 407 and Dixie Brampton; full time 16/h 11.

general helpers for a bakery; location:Bathurst and Lawrence; full time; 14.35/h 12.
generalhelper; location: one for 5050 Dufferin St and one for 8600 Keele S; temporary;15/h 13.
generalhelpers for bakery; location: 1118 centre st. Thornhill; full time; hourlyrate: 14.35/h

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