职位描述: 1.根据教学大纲和教学要求,认真准备教学计划及课程计划,进行课程教学; 2.做好教学用具及教学材料的准备工作,认真完成教学任务及目标; 3.设计并监督学生的作业情况,及时跟进学生的学习进度; 任职要求: 1.艺术专业或相关专业本科及以上学历优先考虑 2.持有相关教师资格证书的优先考虑; 3.热爱教育事业、品行端正、身心健康;爱岗敬业、拥有充分的耐心和较强的亲和力。 Job Description 1.Meticulous preparation for andimplementation of class following detailed course curricula designed by theorganization 2.Preparation of class materialsand achieving course objectives 3.Planning course homework,promptly supervising student progresses Job Requirements 1.Bachelor’s degree or above inarts preferred 2.Certificate in teachingqualifications preferred 3.Has a passion for education,strong moral compass, mentally sound; dedicated to their occupation, withsufficient patience and strong affinity. 有意者请把简历和作品集发送到: