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Thriving, Independently-Run School Seeks Part-Time Piano andChoir Teacher Our education center has 25 years’ historyin serving local Asian-Canadian students with high-quality talent and academicprograms. We have a Piano & Choir teachingposition available at our Downtown (beside AGO) location for those teachers that areexperienced, energetic, positive, and a strong communicator, and for those wholove working with children and families in a very busy school based - businessenvironment. Qualifications are important but, attitudeis everything! Maximum hours: Tuesday through Friday 3:00pm- 8:30pm. Position Requirements: Ÿ
Must not have any personal commitments that interferewith your teaching schedule. Ÿ
Must be able to teach RCM curriculum and syllabus. Ÿ
Must be able to Teach small group as well as Private. Ÿ
You hold a postsecondary music degree or diploma. Ÿ
You are reliable, patient, open-minded and above allenjoy working with children. Ÿ
Able to teach technique and repertoire in a fun, engagingmanner. Ÿ
Encourage the joy of making music. Ÿ
Help students develop the discipline and commitmentrequired for success. Ÿ
Make learning just as fun as making music itself. Ÿ
Building a strong relationship with the students tobetter help them succeed. Ÿ
Give brief feedback to parents at the end of every lesson.
Job Type: Part-time Salary: Will be discussed in the interview Required language: Ÿ
English Ÿ
Mandarin (as an assist)
Please email us withyour cover letter, resume, and the proof of qualifications at , if youhave serious intentions on this job. Thank you.

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