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【工作职位】:文案 copywriter

【工作地区】:Richmond Hill




你相信你可以改变世界吗? 你是否也认为人们需要互相帮助才能让我们的世界变得更好? 你想帮助他人克服各种难题从而实现他们的梦想吗? 如果你是这样, 我们应该成为伙伴!
恒益投资团队在寻找一位文案来一起实现梦想. 每一天, 我们都在寻求各种办法来帮助客户增长他们的资产, 从而我们的客户不需要担心钱的问题, 专注于对他们最有意义的事和人. 我们定期举办各种免费讲座, 聊金融聊时事, 帮助大家分析其中的投资机会; 我们团队还花非常多时间进行深入的研究, 运用数据科学来调整我们的投资策略, 保证我们的客户的投资回报能持续, 稳定和高回报. 我们做了很多, 但是还不够, 还需要更多人加入我们来帮助我们一起前进, 比如像你这样的文书文案, 可以帮助我们完美的表达我们的想法和愿景. 恒益投资团队处于早期创业阶段, 大家都在一边摸索一边奔跑前进着解决问题, 所以如果你加入团队的话, 你需要来办公室上班, 而且有时候也需要加班. 好的方面是, 我们团队福利还不错, 包餐还有各种饮料零食. 恒益投资定期每周举办网上讲座, 同时还有在做各种营销项目, 所以作为文案的你会参与到讲座的文案和营销文案设计. 当然, 在未来还会有机会参与到各种其他方面的工作. 最后, 因为我们团队和客户都是说中文, 所以你需要同时中英文流利, 无论是书写还是口头方面. 你想加入我们吗? 如果你感兴趣, 请发送你的简历和简单说说你想加入我们的原因到我们的邮箱.
Do you believe you can change the world? Do you believe our society will need people to help eachother to be great in it these days? Do you want to help others achieve their dream by removingbarriers? If so – we should meet!
Our team is looking for a copywriter to help us with ourvision.
Every day we are finding ways to help people to grow theirassets so that they can do what matters to them without any financial barrier.We host a lot of free online webinars and talk about all different topics aboutfinancial investment. We research and make great investment strategies to makesure our clients’ investmentsare sustainable, stable, and profitable. But we cannot do it better withoutextract help – we don’t know how to write great prose or express our ideaperfectly, so we need a copywriter to help us express our idea and what ourteam stands for.
We are still in the pretty early stage as a startup, andthere are a lot of things that need to be sorted out, so you will have to work inthe office physically, and need to be working late sometimes or working on theweekend. The good thing is, we are offering food if you are working late.
We have weekly online webinars and marketing campaigns;therefore, you will involve speeches and marketing copywriting, and other areasin the future.
And, as Chinese is the main language for our clients and weuse in the office, you must be fluent in Chinese Mandarin and English.
If you are interested, please send us your resume and tellus a little of why you want to join us.

欢迎相关经验者,新移民,本地应届毕业生,及持工签的留学生申请。 有意向申请者请发送您的简历到 并在标题注明约克论坛。

联系我们: E-mail: 地址:350 Highway 7, Richmond Hill,ON,L4B 3N2

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