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HaoHua Landscaping Inc. 豪华园艺公司 Jenny: 437-268-6850 jenny.landscaping@gmail.com haohualandscaping.weebly.com
Your landscape specialist​HaoHua Has been providing superior service to GTA area since 2011. Our landscape design and construction experts have created some of the most gorgeous landscapes. We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects with advanced equipment at affordable price. 豪华​​园艺自2011年起在大多伦多地区提供优质的园艺施工为广大客户创造了最美丽的家居环境。我们拥有现代化施工设备,以诚信为本,致力于按照客户的要求完成质优价廉的每一工程项目。
Owner supervision: ​Not only do we apply stringent attention to detail with our building work, but to all projects. All are performed with the owner at each site, and is managed by him, as well.

Wide range of project experience​: With over 10 years of experience in successful landscaping projects throughout GTA area, our expertise spans a range of disciplines. So you benefit from our extensive experience, no matter what your needs.

Finishing on time, on budget​: With our experience and knowledge of various building or renovation construction projects, we are able to complete our projects on time and to our customers’ budget.

Services 服务项目

Interlocking 砖砌车道

Backyard Deck 庭院露台

Fence & Design 围栏

Lawn Installation 铺设草坪

Planter Design 花槽

Basement Doors/Windows 地下室门窗


Pool Backfill 泳池回填

Basement Waterproofing/Repair 地下室防水补漏

Stonework 砖石工程

Why Choose Us 为什么选择我们

Our team strives to meet the needs and satisfaction of our customers. As a result, our customer base is continually growing through word of mouth from happy customers. We have built up the experience to deliver exceptional service since 2011.

Contact 联系我们

Request Your Free Landscaping Estimate! 欢迎致电询价 We value your business above all. Please fill out our rapid quote form and we will provide rapid response. You can call us by phone or email us directly.
Contact Info Jenny: 437-268-6850(English 国语)(短信)(SMS) Email: jenny.landscaping@gmail.com haohualandscaping.weebly.com

Gallary 工程实例

Check out some of our finest work 工程项目展示

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