需要能够长期稳定上班的;假期回国/出国,短工,临时工, 频繁请假出游的不考虑。 如有兴趣请: 1. Email 你的resume (in English) 到 job@presoteaottawa.ca 2. 店内直接投递,212 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5H8 (请在resume上提供availability)经理会尽快与您联系! 谢谢
Hello, We are hiring long term stable part-times and potential full-time; You need to verbally communicate in Mandarin Chinese with customers and staff members. If you are interested please email your resume to job@presoteaottawa.ca, or drop by at our store at 212 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5H8. Please provide your availability on your resume, our manager will contact you. Thank you