A downtown medium-sized company 诚聘全职会计助理一人,工作地点近downtown 近地铁。 Main job duties: 1. 1. APand AR, GST/QST reporting and otheraccounting cycle jobs; 2. 2. Depositandaccountsreconciliations; 3. 3. Invoicesand data entries, filing; 4. 4. As assistantofthe controller; 5. Otheradministration work in case of need. Requirements forthe candidate: 1. Accounting diploma: AEC orDEC; 2. Goodknowledge and experience in accounting; 3. Computer knowledge: Accountingsoftware (advantage); good knowledge of MS Office :Excel and Word; 4. Responsible, efficient, hardworkingand team player; 5. Languages: Fluent English, basic French and fluentChinese. 有兴趣应聘者请email 简历到: hracctgjoe@gmail.com