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Dear Affiliates,

Hope this email finds you well. And thank you for your efforts for Beneunder in advance.

Since the summer will come, the sunshine will be like powdered gold over the world. As known, the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the skin, eyes, and immune system. That makes UV protection products essential to customers. Beneunder launched loads of sun protection products, and what we are doing is bringing these effective UV protection products to the world and making this glorious time more enjoyable.

We are currently recruiting Affiliates to promote brands and products. The affiliate's rule is to get a 20% commission for each referral, and the buyer also enjoys a 15% discount.And if your customers ordered successfully over 15 orders per month, we will offer you an extra gift (which is worth $43.99).
The specific registration method is very simple. You can directly register as an affiliate when you log in to the website.
Link: https://beneunder.goaffpro.com/
For more questions, please contact me by private message,We very much welcome you to join!

Best Regards,
Beneunder Team

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