法语北美真人外教一对一教学 法语零基础生存口语 法语基础北美真人外教一对一教学 英语零基础生存口语 法语基础,法语口语 移民面试辅导,加拿大数理化一对一(二)家教全外教课程免费试听课,现签约外教老师15名,以后陆续增加,满足您的各种学习要求,谢谢您的大力支持I have a doctorate from the electrical and computer department at McGill University. I worked as a research assistant at the National Council of Canada for 5 years. I can teach French, math and physics to a Cegep level student. I have given lectures as a teaching assistant to undergraduate students at McGill University. I was educated in high school entirely in French and at the top of my class