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  • 价格: $5,400.00
  • 供需: 提供服务


From the beginning of the 20th century to the 1960s and 1970s after the war, this was the major period when the chemical industry really became mass-produced, and some of the major fields were formed during this period. And petrochemical industry has been developed, developed, gradually rise. At the beginning of this period, concepts developed by people like the United Kingdom and the United States laid the foundation of chemical engineering. It has promoted the development of production technology, both the scale of the device, or the output of the product has increased rapidly.
Fine chemical industry is a general term for the production of fine chemical industry, referred to as "fine chemical industry". The meaning of fine chemicals is still under discussion abroad. Chemical products with the following characteristics are generally called fine chemicals, namely:
1. Variety;
2. The output is small, and most of them are produced in intermittent mode;
3. Functional or end-use;
4. Many are compound products, formulations and other technologies determine product performance;
5. High product quality requirements;
6. Strong commodity, most of them are sold under commodity names;
7. Highly technology-intensive, requiring continuous technological development of new products and research of applied technologies, attaching importance to technical services;
8. High equipment investment;
9. High rate of added value
We can supply:
Sgt-263 Sgt-151 Sgt-78 Mdpep Mdpop Mcpep 4fmdmb2201 5F-mdemb-2201 Adbp 5cadb-b 5f-EMB 4f-BCAD-B 4f-mdma-b 5f-AEB 3fpvp 4brpvp Thpvp NEH Hex Hep NDH EUTYLONE APVP MDMA EB-BK BMDP 3Brpvp MFPEP Isotonitazene 5fmdp 4fbca  6clbca ADBB Alprazolam

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